GPO Certificate Auto Enrollment with Example

We will walk through the step-by-step configuration of GPO certificate auto enrollment. The GPO will push a unique certificate on a domain-joined machine. The certificates can be pushed to the user’s or machine’s account for use in 802.1x authentication, allowing for efficient authentication in wired and wireless environments. With automatic enrollment, an administrator can roll out certificates on a large scale. For 801.x authentication configuration refer to earlier post. For further details on GPO refer to Microsoft website.

GPO Certificate Auto Enrollment – Certificate Authority Setup

Step 1> Open Certification Authority. Open the server manager, click on Tools, and select Certification Authority.

GPO certificate auto enrollment

Step 2> Create a new template. Right-click on Certificate templates and select manage.

GPO certificate Certificate template

There is a default template for the user, right-click and duplicate.

Edit the details of the duplicated template.

Certificate template

Give permissions (Read, Enroll, Autoenroll) to the required group.

Certificate template Permissions

Add the newly created template to the Certificate templates:

Certificate template Issue

Select the created template and click ok.

Select Certificate template

GPO Certificate Auto Enrollment – Group Policy Configuration

We will create a group policy to enable auto-enrollment.

GPO configuration

The list will show the configured GPO policy. For this example, we will use the “Default Domain Policy”. We can choose another policy based on the configuration.

GPO selection

Right-click on Default domain policy and select Edit.

GPO Edit

For this post, we will edit the settings for users. Expand User configuration > Windows settings> Security Settings > Public Key Policies > Right click select properties of Certificate Services Client – Auto-Enrollment

Link GPO policy

Auto Enrollment properties

Note: The same steps we need to follow for Machine certificates.

GPO Certificate Auto Enrollment – Verification

Validate user certificate in the domain machine.

Step 1> Go to run and type mmc hit enter:


Step 2> Click on the file and Select Add/Remove Snap-in.

MMC console

Select Certificate and click Add, then click ok.

MMC certificate Addition

MMC certificate verification

Expand the certificates for current users> Navigate to Personal > Certificates.  In the below screenshot we can see there is one certificate present on the end user.

MMC certificate verification user

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