GPO for dot1x authentication in 2 simple steps

We will walk through the step-by-step configuration of a GPO for Dot1x authentication. The GPO will push Dot1x configuration on a domain-joined machine. Using 802.1x authentication configuration, we can authenticate a user and the machine. For further details on GPO, refer to the Microsoft website. Refer to previous post on the blog to configure the setting locally on a machine.

GPO for dot1x authentication – GPO creation

Open Group policy management. Expand the domains, right-click on the domain, and select “Create a GPO in this domain” to create a new GPO.

gpo for dot1x wired or wireless

Give a name to the GPO.

GPO Name

Right-Click on the newly created GPO Policy and select edit.

GPO For dot1x authentication.

GPO for dot1x authentication – Wired Auto Config

Expand Computer Configuration> Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > System Services. Navigate to Wired AutoConfig and Double-click to change the setting. 

GPO Wired auto config

Set the service startup to Automatic. Click Ok.

wired auto config properties.

Navigate to Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Wired Network (IEEE 802.3) Policies and Right-Click and Create a new wired network Configuration

wired network setting.

Give a Name to the policy.

wired network properties.

Navigate to the Security tab select the desired authentication method from the drop-down menu, and click on its Properties to configure advanced options.

wired nic authentication method

To avoid issues due to self-signed certificates, disable certificate verification. Leave other options as default and Click Ok.

validate server certificate

GPO for dot1x authentication – Verification

Ensure the GPO is up to date on the endpoint. If not updated, one of the options is to do a force GP update on the machine.

Step 1> Go to run and type ncpa.cpl hit enter:

verification run ncpa.cpl

Step 2> Right-click on the wired nic and select Properties. We need to enter admin credentials to view the properties.

wired nic properties verification

There must be a new authentication tab under the NIC properties.

authentication tab verification.

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