Cisco FTD AnyConnect Azure SAML Authentication in 2 simple steps

In this post, we will walk through the step-by-step configuration of Cisco FTD AnyConnect Azure SAML based authentication. There are 7 steps involved in the entire configuration. Cisco AnyConnect has been renamed to Cisco Secure Client. The SAML-based integration remains the same for other SAML providers like Cisco DUO, Okta, etc.

Cisco FTD AnyConnect Azure SAML – Azure configuration

Step 1> Under Microsoft Azure create an Enterprise Application. Search for Cisco Anyconnect.

azure browse entra gallery

Give a Name to the application.

give a name to application

Under the Single sign-on tab select SAML method.

cisco ftd anyconnect azure saml

Edit the configuration and provide the details.

Cisco FTD AnyConnect Azure SAML 1

Enter Entity ID ensure in the format https://<FQDN>/saml/sp/metadata/Azure-SAML-TG

Enter Reply URL as well in the format given in the screenshot. Note the reply URL is case sensitive.

Basic SAMl configuration

Download the SAML certificate; it’s required during FTD configuration. Copy Login URL, Microsoft Entra Identifier, Logout URL.

download certificate

Add the users allowed to access the remote access VPN.

add users

Cisco FTD AnyConnect Azure SAML – FTD configuration

Import the SAML certificate exported in previous step.

import certificate on fmc

select CA only, Skip Check for CA

Get one external CA signed certificate for RA VPN. Internal CA signed certificate may also work however if the endpoint doesn’t have internal CA into trust store certificate warning would not allow the connection establishment.

certificate enrollement

Create a Single Sign-on Server and enter the details from the previous step. Select the certificate imported in the last steps.

single sign-on server

Define an Address Pool, Remote access VPN users will get an IP address from this pool.

add ipv4 pool

Create a group policy, specify

select group policy for ra vpn

select ipv4 pool

select dns server for internal dns resolution

Navigate to Devices > VPN > Remote access VPN and set up remote access VPN configuration. Follow the wizard. Ensure the name in the steps matches the name in the Azure portal.

RA VPN name

Select the method as SAML and under authentication server select the SAML profile created earlier.

connection profile test

Select the address pool and the group policy created in earlier step.

select group policy, ra vpn pool

Download the Cisco AnyConnect (Cisco Secure client) package from the Cisco website and upload it.

cisco secure client select

Select the zone assigned to the VPN users. Select the certificate imported in the earlier step.

select zone, device certificate

policy summary

cisco ftd anyconnect vpn

Under Access Interface Select the interface, Select the port, certificate for remote access VPN.

enable on interface

advanced options.

With this Cisco AnyConnect azure saml authentication configuration completes.

Note: To give access to the applications and resources we need to create access control policies and NAT rule.

Cisco FTD AnyConnect Azure SAML – Verification

Try to connect to the VPN. The connected users can be checked on FMC remote access VPN Dashboard.

Cisco FTD Remote access VPN SAML Azure

For other related post on security refer to the blog.

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